Workshop for Musicians with Musette Explosion

Workshop for Musicians with Musette Explosion
Workshop for Musicians with Musette Explosion
Thursday, August 27, 2015 | 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Musicians $25 or Audit $10

Will Holshouser (accordion), Matt Munsiteri (guitar/banjo) and Marcus Rojas (tuba) will lead a 2-hour interactive workshop for any instruments, approaching various musical topics through the lens of French musette music and jazz. Topics will include “conversational improvisation” (small group interaction), keeping time without drums, self-orchestration (making any tune work with any group of instruments), and various strategies for soloing on tunes. We’ll also briefly discuss the history and origins of musette music. Students will have a chance to learn a musette waltz and play with the band. Bring your instrument and have fun learning from three versatile, eclectic musicians, all veterans of the New York music scene.

Register as a musician