Friends of the Historic Narragansett Towers, Inc. was organized to provide funding and operational support for the continuing restoration and preservation of the Historic Narragansett Towers, a municipal facility owned and operated for the benefit of the public by the Town of Narragansett. The Friends conduct fundraising activities, organize educational programs on the history of Narragansett and The Towers, and host cultural and performing arts programs to raise public awareness and support for preservation and use of The Towers as a living part of the community.
Friends of the Historic Narragansett Towers, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) membership based organization governed by a board of directors elected by the members. Primary activities include managing the Towers website, The Towers Gift Shop, and hosting public activities and events at The Towers. Activities include dance lessons, live music and dancing concerts, historic tours and the annual Taste of The Towers fundraiser.
Thanks to our dedicated Friends of The Towers Board members, The Towers received $125,000 for renovations from the Champlin Foundations. Read more.